Vocational schools offer courses lasting for three or four years, including a period of practical instruction. 职校提供长达3-4年的课程,包括一段实践性的课程。
Read the fine print, though, balance transfers sometimes offer rates that go up after a period of time and usually involve fees. 要看清楚文件,结余转户有时候在时期后利率会更高,并且都会产生手续费。
A platform it launched last year on which third-party developers can offer games to Weibo users will end its free period in June, Mr Chao said. 曹国伟表示,新浪在去年开通、让第三方开发商向微博用户提供游戏的一个平台,到今年6月将结束免费试用期。
Even though Mr Immelt recently lost one of his closest lieutenants, David Calhoun, to private equity, he claims not to be worried about the competition for talent from buyout funds that can offer large rewards in a relatively short period of time. 即使伊梅尔特最亲密的副手之一大卫卡尔霍恩(davidcalhoun)最近去了私人股本基金,但他仍声称,并不担心来自收购基金的人才竞争(这些基金能在相对较短的时间内提供高额报酬)。
Under normal circumstances, the banks will offer the applicants a six-month grace period for repayment of the loan principal. 银行通常会给予申请人六个月偿还贷款本金的宽限期。
This offer is available for a limited period only. 这项优惠仅在限期内有效。
Their proposition to customers is an offer of the best product, period. 他们吸引顾客的前提下是提供最佳产品。
If you are not sure which utility to use, most programs offer a30-day limited trial period where you can download and try the utility for free. 大多数程序都提供30天的有限试用期,如果您不能确定使用哪种实用工具,可以免费下载并试用。
After the failure of the share offering, the lead underwriter shall assist the issuer in making the refunds to the share subscribers at the offer price plus interest at the bank deposit rate of the same period. 股票发行失败后,主承销商应当协助发行人按照发行价并加算银行同期存款利息返还股票认购人。
The shock on her face was sufficient for me to offer her a three-week trial period. 她脸上震惊的表情,足以说服我给她3周的试用期。
Shareholders have to weigh up the conflicting risks, and these are usually reflected in share prices during the offer period. 股东们必须权衡彼此冲突的风险,而这些风险通常会在竞购期间的股价上得到反映。
Where an offer is made by a letter or a telegram, the period for acceptance commences on the date shown on the letter or the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch. 要约以信件或者电报作出的,承诺期限自信件载明的日期或者电报交发之日开始计算。
The review of public policies will offer a clear-cut perspective to understand this period. 如果从中国公共政策出发,这一阶段的特征将能获得一个清晰的观察视角。
Utility models are similar to patents, but require a less stringent review process and offer a shorter protection period. 实用新型类似于发明专利,但是审查程序没有那么严格,保护周期也更短。
Can you hold ( make) the offer firm until meet friday? The period inventory system is also called the physical inventory system because it relies on the actual physical count of inventory. 贵方报盘有效期能否保持到下周五呢?定期盘存制由于需要依靠实地盘点,因而亦称为实地盘点制。
Web banner advertisement special price at HK$ 300/ month, free for the 1st month. You may use this special offer at anytime within the contract period. 网上横额广告&>特价HK$300月费,送首月月费.贵公司可在合约期内除时使用此优惠。
This unrepeatable half-price offer is only available for a strictly limited period. 这唯一的一次半价销售只在严格限定时段内进行。
Offer a discount on the subscription fee during the offer period; 募集期间对认购费打折;
It is a privilege to serve in this way, and we offer you our experience gained from seeing other civilisations through a similar period. 这是一个特权以这种方式服务,并且向你们提供我们从看着其他文明通过一个类似的时期中得到的经验。
We are sorry we cannot afford to pay your travelling expenses. However, we are able to offer you free accommodation and free meals during the conference period. 我们感到抱歉不能向您提供旅费,但在会议期间食宿免费招待。
Yueji Kiln Ceramic Art Center cannot offer storage accommodation after the work period is concluded. 驻地计划结束后,月记窑陶瓷艺术中心不提供驻地艺术家之作品仓储。
Human resource Development is a precondition to offer more job opportunities in the new period of China. 人力资源开发是我国新时期扩大有效就业的决定性前提条件。
The gyroscope should be analyzed and simulated early in the design stage in order to offer reliable basis for design and to shorten the period of development. 在设计阶段必须对其性能进行分析仿真,以便为微型石英陀螺的设计提供依据,缩短开发周期。
This paper reviews the unique process of American urbanization and its modern urban planning history, and discusses the relationship between them so as to offer enlightenments and suggestions to Chinese urbanization which takes place in a period of social transformations. 回顾了美国城市化的独特发展历程和美国现代城市规划历史,并就二者之间的相互关系进行了探讨,以期对处于转型期的中国城市化发展有所启示和借鉴。
Finding out about the current situation of university student's network game and analysing the reason that university students accept the network game can offer the realistic basis for solving the new problem in new period in ideological and political education. 了解大学生网络游戏的现状。分析大学生接受网络游戏的原因,为思想政治教育在新时期解决新问题提供现实依据。
The aim of this model is to offer firms a theory guide for making output decisions in each period. 该模型建立的目的是为厂商各生产周期的产量决策提供理论指导。
Combined with the experience of amendment, it tries to exploit ways and offer suggestions to improve constructions of rights of party members in new period. 并结合修改的经验探讨新时期加强党员权利建设的思路和建议。
Therefore, the writer creates the epic features in the war epic, unifies the tragedy, documentary and speculative within the literature style of epic and offer aesthetic reference for the creation of war epic in a new period of time. 由此,作家开拓了新时期战争史诗的艺术新质,使悲剧、纪实与思辨艺术有机统一于史诗的文学样式中,为新时期战争史诗的创作提供艺术借鉴。
Credit line is the money which bank promises to offer in a period of time. 授信额度是指银行在一定时期内给予申请企业一定金额的信贷承诺。